London gives back ... unwantingly

Last night I was going home after spending a nice evening with family. My cousins stopped by and we had a food and entertainment kind of night.
Sitting on the tube minding my own business, a blond chick gets on and sits next to me. I have no problem with that. She is skinny so she is no threat to my space. I prefer the skinny ones as they take up less space and there is more for me. She sits down and falls asleep. Even better I think; no twitching and twisting and sighing and breathing on me.
After awhile I really get in my book. At this point only loud noises or sudden stops will get me to glance up. Suddenly I sense movement next to me. This is not unusual but the movement is of the kind that seems to scream: back away, I am about to loose my dinner. Yes y'all ... it is the classic "I am about to heave" movement.
My eyes see this but my mind refuses to believe this. I stare ahead focusing on what is happening on my right. There is the movement again! I turn around and look at her. She is awake and has her hand presses on her mouth. I keep looking. Nothing happens. She keeps staring ahead not even acknowledging that I am now openly staring.
Well, I think that is fine than. I must have imagined it. I turn back to my book ... movement to my right! I turn again and now I see drool coming down the side of her mouth.
I never knew I could get out of those small chairs so fast but I am halfway down the aisle before I even realize. People are now staring at me! I must have really startled them but let me tell you something ... I can take blood and gore and all kinds but vomit! So not my thing.
When I get to the other side, I sit down and people are still looking at me. I wanted to say:I am not the one you should be looking at. But I can't say anything because I am so intrigued by what could possibly happen in the area I had just abandoned as if my pants were on fire.
I see her getting up and I start sweating as I am thinking that she is coming after me. I mean, why would she but forgive me, my mind is in overdrive. She goes to stand in front of the door. I can see she is still jerking but nothing is shooting out of her mouth.
The tube stops at the station and unlucky for her the doors don't open immediately. She is touching the doors as if she is trying to read the mood they are in. As soon as the doors finally opens she stumbles out and vomits right there on the platform.


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