A dark damp place

There are more than 6 billion people in this world and still it is so easy to be alone. To feel alone in a large ocean threatening to drown you while you are drifting along on your lifeboat.
Six billion people. How big is the chance that one of them is thinking about you at any given second. Any of these people, anyone of them.
How ironic that some people get too much and some get none. The world is round but on the surface there are so many peaks and holes. Lucky the one that happens to be the hole. Although is that a bad thing. Is it so awful to be one of those dark spaces? They are needed right? In the big circle of life doesn't every cell have their purpose?
Life starts off with parents. People who are biologically wired to love you. They have no choice; it is in their genes. So you start life being loved. You are a peak. Then there are those who don't have that luxury. You are a crevice.
I would like to think that at some point that all levels out. It all balances out in the end. That moment in life where the strings are let go and you start making your own decisions and carrying your own consequences. At that moment we are all equal. We all have a chance.
So we make our choices, we take decisions and we choose a path. And we carry the consequences.
Now I am asking myself, which one of those choices, which one of the decisions, which wrongly taken turn on that path got me to this dark damp place?


  1. i think you had a bad day. but you know what, i do love you!
    remember we are peanuts and butter! :-)

  2. I agree with Maria, you had a bad day. We all have bad days so that no crime. The art of life though, is to make the next day a better day than the one before....
    I do love you too, you know that! Louella


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