London gives back ... unwantingly
Last night I was going home after spending a nice evening with family. My cousins stopped by and we had a food and entertainment kind of night. Sitting on the tube minding my own business, a blond chick gets on and sits next to me. I have no problem with that. She is skinny so she is no threat to my space. I prefer the skinny ones as they take up less space and there is more for me. She sits down and falls asleep. Even better I think; no twitching and twisting and sighing and breathing on me. After awhile I really get in my book. At this point only loud noises or sudden stops will get me to glance up. Suddenly I sense movement next to me. This is not unusual but the movement is of the kind that seems to scream: back away, I am about to loose my dinner. Yes y'all ... it is the classic "I am about to heave" movement. My eyes see this but my mind refuses to believe this. I stare ahead focusing on what is happening on my right. There is the movement again! I turn around and l...