
Showing posts from 2013

Police Stalker and a Ride in a Police Buggy

Today we rode in the back of a police buggy, chased a police car and begged to be handcuffed. All of that in the span of one hour. Let me explain to you what happened... At work we are busy with this project where we need to map the whole of St. Maarten, the dutch side. This means walking and recording every lot on this beautiful island. Right around midday we found ourselves on one side of town, with the office on the opposite side. Hunger and fatigue were battling against each other and we really were not looking forward to the walk back. So we were sitting on a bench conversating with one of the police officers on bike patrol, trying to catch ourselves before starting the trek back to work when along comes the police buggy. It looks like a golf cart but I am sure it has a lot more horsepower. I joked with the sergeant and told him if we couldn't bum a ride back to the office. To my surprise he went and told them to take us back to the office. So there we were in the back on the...

How ghetto can you make a wedding?

One of my colleagues girlfriend decided that they needed to get married. In and on itself, not a problem ... more power to them, right? Except ... the party. Let me explain to you guys how this party is going to go. - Every invited guest gets a band, you know like those that you get when you go in a club. With that band you can get 2 free drinks and 1 snack. Anything over that you have to pay for - An uninvited guest, of which there are many as no one likes this girl, has to pay for everything even tap water. - The song that will be played as the bride walks down the aisle is that years road march. After hearing all of that, do you know what my reaction was: Maybe you should have a jukebox instead of a DJ as then you can keep the quarters people will throw in.