What Alcohol can do to Idiots

Tuesday was the last day of Carnival. Me and my friend Jun went to watch it. We decided on a spot right on the roundabout before you get to the Carnival Village. Sitting there chatting away we notice a big police truck blocking the road to go up Pondfill. Logical since that is the direction the jump-up was coming from. After a few minutes they were joined by an even bigger tow truck. By now they are blocking like three quarters of the road. All the cars are now riding a little bit on the roundabout to get through. Yes, don't be alarmed I am watching my toes.
At some point this small white car comes along and decides that he is going to cut through this police car and the tow truck as he finds that for some reason he really must get on the blocked off road. Now I'm sitting there watching this fool. At first I thought he must have a valid reason to want to go there. Maybe he lives on that road and just wants to get through. I see him rolling down his window to say something to the policeman. He is talking and pointing and they are just watching him. He then decides that since he is not getting a reaction he must get out to explain the situation more clearly. He gets out, stands out and first thing he does .... he sways ... can't stand up straight. I never seen the police act so fast. They got him surrounded in less than 5 seconds. The swaying and the vapors must have ticked them off. The idiot was stupid drunk.
The stupid drunk idiot decided he was going to not only cross the barriers, but instead of avoiding the police he drove right to them. Did I mention the police station was right at this same roundabout? Even so, they handcuff him and march him right to the station. And his car? That got driven right up the tow truck.


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