
Showing posts from 2017

When you live I live

A mother's heart Permanently linked with you Every breath You take I take I wish to always keep you But the heart and head are at odds Because what is best for you Makes me sad and proud at the same time A mother's heart Permanently linked with yours Every step You make I make My goal is to make you the best you are To give you the tools to make the best choices for you Leaving you go makes me sad and proud at the same time A mother's heart Permanently linked to you Every smile You give I give To you my Love I teach Brilliance Intelligence Inner Beauty Outer beauty Embrace life Live fully Seeing you blossom makes me sad and proud at the same time A mother's heart Permanently yours every achievement you make I make

Signs of Doom

The rollercoaster of a mothers heart has me spinning in circles. I can't watch movies with children anymore, especially those where the child is hurting in any form. I cannot watch sad movies, movies where people are dying, I cannot watch children in general without my heart feeling like it will burst. What a thing! What bothers me the most and also drives me to better myself is the feeling that I leave this world when my daughter is not yet ready for me to leave. Now I realize why people get children young. When you are young, you don't think about your own mortality. Life is an adventure and you roll with it. But at my age, I am grateful for every single day. I see danger in every step. I see missteps, falls, cuts, bruises, soreness, cold, runny nose, fever and sneezes as signs of doom. Nieces ad nephews got colds, quarantine! Chickenpox, quarantine! I just realized .... I am turning into Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory. But seriously, he does have a point, doesn't h...

When life flips upside down, you make pancakes

It was an ordinary morning when I got up to pee on a stick. Billions of women have done it before but for me it was the first time and like many before I was hoping and praying for a negative result. It didn't happen. Minutes after seeing those two lines I was behind the computer looking for ways to terminate. There was no way I was going to have a baby. never wanted one, never planned for one and definitely not in the right place and mindset to have one. Where I was living did not allow for abortions so I spent the next week calling neighboring places.  It is very difficult to describe the thoughts that went through my mind. All I can remember is that I was living in the picture Scream because that is how I felt. I was 41 years old, recently married, living in anew place, working a new job and very far away from friends and family. What was I going to do with my career, my life. All that will have to stop. I was just planning the next 10 years of my life as I was determined to ...