Every Day is a Party, So Dress For the Occassion
"Good Morning!"
"Hi, everyone! "
Those are just a couple of my daily greetings to my colleague. I am usually the first one in and one of the last ones to leave so I am there to greet every single one of them. Especially the ones who are not morning people at all. It irritates the hell out of them and they love me for it. Or so I tell myself ...
Greet each day with enthusiasm and you will get enthusiasm back. Start the day grouchy and it will continue so. Simples.
In a couple of weeks I will give you all a recap of my year. It has been the best one so far and I am not planning on stopping the roller coaster ride. Life is a party and I am dressing for it.
Act like a tiger and you are a tiger. Just ask Tigra, she knows all about it. Tigra has been really quiet these past weeks. She is happy and content to just lie there and enjoy her bone. It is not her time yet as Maurette and Mau are smiling and glowing. Very cryptic what I am saying but in time all will be revealed.
"Bye, everyone!"
There goes Maurette through the door. One day gone and ready for the next.
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