What Happened to the Hot Potato

All of you want an update on my last post. I'm not sure if that is because you like seeing me squirm or just because you are curious but here goes.
Last week Wednesday was a good self-esteem day. I had calls from a lot of interested men. Unfortunately none that I was interested in for various reasons. Maybe one day I will introduce to you the mechanic and tell his story. For now I am focusing on the HR dude. So he called me on Wednesday inquiring about me, my health, my whereabouts and other more carnal stuff as it is soon become apparent.
But let me start at the beginning, I got a call from a private number; the HR guy as you already know. This is my attempt of revamping a story I kind of already told the ending to. Hmmm ... I'm skipping through the whole hoopla of him telling me he hasn't send the letter yet and if I was still accepting the applications. Yes, I am. Well, if I could tell him exactly what the job implies. I said sure, it is a wonderful job, probably the best you are ever going to get; you get to go where I go.
It turns out he wanted more. "Is that all?" he asked, "there must be more".
"I think that is quite a few tasks, but you are right. There is more. You want to know all the details now?, I asked.
"Yes", he answered.
In the meantime my brain is going crazy trying to come up with something that is going to throw him off. I might be ignorant sometimes, but I am not stupid. I know exactly what he is asking.
"Well, this job is based on promotions. First I need to see if you fulfill the needs of these simple tasks. If I am satisfied, you get to move up in ranking."
Chaile! I never been so happy about my credit running out. Although secretly I was also annoyed because not to toot my own horn but don't you think my answer was brilliant?


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