
Showing posts from September, 2012

Ugly Truth Behind Freedom of Speech

 Freedom of Speech. What a beautiful concept right? Say whatever you want regardless if it is intelligent or hurtful. Many a things can be hidden behind those three words. During the course of history, many a wrongs have been placated by holding up the sign: Freedom of Speech. Back in college I was up late one night studying for a final exam, my downstairs neighbors, freshmen as they were, obviously thought that finals week meant party week. It was going on 4 in the morning and they were partying hard. My next door neighbor, nice pure american southern girl knocked on my door and asked me if the music was disturbing me as well. I told her that it was so we decided to go ask them to please turn the music down. We knocked on the door and she politely asked them to be considerate as we were studying for finals. Next day, about 11 at night, I heard a lot of noise again so I peeped through the peephole and I see a bunch of guys downstairs holding back my downstairs neighbor, the freshm...

Chocolate Guilt

I'm looking better and better everyday and my inner diva is coming out. I walk straighter; I step like I am on a runway and dudes love me. And yet I still crave chocolate and sweet things. The psychology of this is mind boggling. How do I figure out how to not have these cravings. The doctor said by accepting that having a chocolate is OK. But that means undoing years of guilt indoctrination.

It's not me, it is you

"It is not you, it is me". I tried that line and it didn't work. For some reason it only provoked the male protective hormone that makes male want to protect the female. Or it might just be my lost soul that provoked that hormone to rear its ugly head. Apparently I am a scared female running from her feelings, so used to being alone that the mere thought of sharing a life with someone else and thus opening my heart to joys and sorrow is a horrifying thought so I hide. He will not give up on me; he will continue his efforts to win my heart. Fast forward two months and this time I try the plain hard truth. I don't think of you, I don't miss you and I can care less whether I see you or not. The reply was unexpected and to be fair he is a good guy so I won't disrespect him by saying what he said. But I will tell you one thing, I am exhausted. Breaking up is a hard thing to do. I need chocolate ...