I'm sexy and you know it
It is now over 4 months ago that I did the surgery and I lost nearly 30 kilos. Don't ask me what that means in pounds or stones because I don't know. Google it. It hasn't been easy. Discovering that you cannot eat certain things that used to be taken for granted. How many times do you get home and just make a sandwich or drive by whatever fast food restaurant and get something because you are too tired to make something or too lazy? How many times do you think about what to snack on. Maybe you are out on the road and stop by the gas station or a supermarket and pick up a bag of chips/crisps or a bag of nuts, chocolate whatever? Well, I cannot do any of that. I need to be constantly thinking about what to eat, what to take with me, what to have for breakfast, lunch, in-between snacks. It is as bad as going to meetings with a snack because what happens if I get hungry? I need to eat to avoid any unpleasantness. A simple cheese sandwich is a problem. And Don't even get me...