
Showing posts from February, 2012

Singing chops

My friend Maruja has a tremendous voice. I remember making her sing Whitney Houston I will always love you everytime I can convince her. Middle of the night during a late night swim, early in the morning while brushing my teeth ... It doesn't matter. I hope you enjoy.

Pass me her BB pin

Me and J were in the company car going somewhere. I can't remember where we were going. It must not have been very important otherwise I would have remembered. We're cruising on Pondfill, looking at people and commenting on their idiocies when I saw Him. Yes, people! Him with a capital H.  I saw this beautiful specimen of a man crossing the street in front of us. Naturally, as all women (and men) must do when they are in St. Maarten, I turned to J and asked: "So, do you know Him and what is his drama?" Let this be a lesson to all, everyone on St. Maarten has a story. Either they horn a lot, or they have been horned and retaliated or anything in between. This place is so small, I am surprised there is not a lot of incest going on. Surprisingly, she did not know Him but she knew the person he was walking with so she called out to him as you do. If he is walking with that guy than he must work at the bank;s Simpson Bay's branch. Really? Boy, this is way too simple. ...

Hisa bo man si ta gana bo tin

I've been without cable for the last 4 or 5 months. Since I moved I cancelled my old cable contract and basically I have been living off internet, XBox and the occasional movie. Why you ask? Well, the one cable company sucks and the other cable company isn't digital and they are always having problems. So I decided, out of principal, that I am going to go with satellite. Only it turns out that it is not as easy as that. Anyways, SXM cable has finally decided to go digital. So I hightail it over there beginning of january only to be told that they are not accepting any new installation requests until they actually convert in february. Please come back in February they tell me. A lot of deep breaths later and some nasty looks I walk out and back in a month later. Highly efficient as island life is, I have to stand in the same line as all the people who are there to exchange their old cable box to the shiny new and much improved digital box. An hour and a half later   it is my t...

My parking is your blocked car

Yesterday I went to pick up my new car. A beautiful Ice teal Chevrolet Spark. That car is so me that we fell in love instantly. So I drove myself home in my new baby avoiding potholes and water and generally yelling at everyone who dared to come too close to my new baby. In good spirits I arrived at my humble abode only to find some idiot parked in my space. So I blow the horn to tell the neighbor to come and move their car. Same way they told one of our visitors to move their car even though there was a free parking space. Now they have the nerve to tell me that all parking spaces are theirs. What the hell!!! When I moved in I was told I had two parking spaces and now these people blatantly tell me that the spaces are theirs? Well, I turned around went for a spin and the minute they left I parked my car. To me, that issue is thus settled ... you don't park in my spot! But do you think they understood? Noooooo. Today the same thing again so I blocked them. I parked right behind the...